As a school we ensure that the needs are met of all learners through Universal Provision. This includes whole class teaching, effective differentiation, collaborative group work, individual and small group interventions, appropriate and reasonable adjustments to enable access to the school environment, curriculum and facilities. During their time at Ysgol Licswm, most learners will make the expected progress in their learning from their starting points. If a child is not progressing, we will gather observations, use assessment data and seek to work with outside agencies/ professionals to identify any additional learning needs. Some children in school are identified as being more able and talented in an area of the curriculum. If this is the case, your child will be given extra extensions to classwork in the curriculum area in which they have a strength, and also be given opportunities to work with other children in our local network of schools to extend their learning through workshops
We are a fully inclusive school, and are here to support all of our children. Our school is easily accessible by wheelchair.
We have dedicated ELSA trained staff that are there to give extra time to pupils that need a little extra help.
We have a specific ‘Nurture’ room, that a pupil can go to for some quiet reflective time if needed.