Criw Cymraeg

These are the members of our Criw Cymraeg team:

Gethin, Teddy, Cleo, Immy, Aine and Lily

Criw Cymraeg News:

Criw Cymraeg spent the Spring term reviewing our Welsh provision across school and as part of this they carried out a learning walk around the school and asked children in Blwyddyn 2-6 to complete a questionnaire. The findings from their learning walk showed lots of positive outcomes including a variety of Welsh language patterns on displays around school, staff using Welsh in classes and around school, children confidently responding to Welsh questions from staff or Criw Cymraeg, Welsh signage around school and children completing their registers, prayers and asking for things in Welsh. They also gave some excellent feedback from their questionnaire results which showed that the children had scored highly for things including “I think that learning and speaking Welsh is important”,  “I enjoy learning and speaking Welsh”, “I enjoy taking part in Welsh activities”, “I see Welsh displayed around school” and “I hear Welsh in assembly”. 

After reviewing their findings, targets they have identified for this term include focusing on increasing the amount of Welsh reading we do in class and our use of Welsh books, our use of Welsh apps for enjoyment across the school and encouraging further use of Welsh outside the classroom including at lunchtime and events such as Sports Day. 

They will update everyone further towards the end of the Summer term.