School Closure tomorrow 8th February

Dear All,

We have had the following message from Flintshire County Council:


The Council’s Emergency Planning Team met at 2pm today to consider the latest forecast and weather warnings from the Met Office for snowfall on Thursday and its implication for services across the Council, including schools.


There is a combination of both a Yellow and Amber warning for parts of Flintshire at different times over the next 24 hours which is likely to result in some parts of Flintshire, particularly the higher ground and above the A55, being adversely impacted by snow. Other areas along the coast and lower ground are less likely to be impacted so this situation is not as cut and dried as it was last year when we had heavy snow forecast right across the county. The snowfall is forecast for the early morning – just at the time when people will be anticipating setting out for school and work.


However, an Amber warning is significant and does recommend essential journeys only and can result in power cuts and widespread disruption. We know that staff in schools travel to their workplaces and it is often the unavailability of staff to operate schools safely which is a deciding factor in Headteacher decision making. We are also mindful of the challenges for school transport operators, children with significant additional learning needs in our special schools and the provision of a school meal service.


So,  the decision has been taken to direct all Flintshire schools to close to staff and pupils tomorrow and make provision for online learning. There will not be any transport for children education out of county. It is highly likely that the coastal areas will not see any or much snow and there will be criticism of this decision, but the Council believes it is best to be consistent in its decision making for schools and non-essential Council services. Always better to plan for the worst and hope for the best. We do appreciate that this will cause disruption for parents and create problems with childcare for some. 


We are not anticipating the snow continuing into Friday so expect it will be back to business as usual for the last day before half term but if that changes, we will obviously email you tomorrow.

We will also be using the Council’s website and social media accounts to announce this decision.


Cofion cynnes/Kind regards





Claire Homard

Prif Swyddog, Addysg ac Ieuenctid | Chief Officer, Education and Youth
Cyngor Sir y Fflint | Flintshire County Council

Children will be asked to read, continue their spellings and encouraged to take pictures and put them on SeeSaw, of them having fun in the snow.
A message will be sent on SeeSaw in the morning with instructions to this effect.

Kindest regards